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There are two type of translations available:

  • One language
  • Multi-language

One language

In case of one language you prepare dictionary with translation and add it to Factory.

Example of all default messages for all default rules you can find here. Let's get messages for one rule and review them:

  "positive": {
    "default": {
      "standard": "{name} must be positive"
    "negative": {
      "standard": "{name} must not be positive"

Above we can see default messages for rule Positive, because we can see rule ID.


Rule ID is a name of rule class but fist letter in lower case. For example, class name SomeCustomRule, then rule ID is someCustomRule.

This library has two modes for rule - default and negative. You can see the first mode (default) in most cases but if a rule inside Not rule, then the rule will switch to the second mode (negative).

Inside modes you can find message templates. One or several message templates for rule can be.


There is no need to translate all messages from provided dictionary you can add rules which you want to use. If library cannot find related messages in provided dictionary, then it will use default ones.


from respect_validation import Validator as v, Factory
from respect_validation.Exceptions import NestedValidationException

# our translation dictionary with only one translation
translation = {
    "positive": {
        "default": {
          "standard": "Is {name} positive? I don't think so..."
        "negative": {
          "standard": "Is {name} NOT positive? I don't think so..."

# set translation dict in the Factory

except NestedValidationException as nve:

# nve.get_messages()
{'numericVal': ['"ggg" must be numeric'], 'positive': ['Is "ggg" positive? I don\'t think so...']}

# nve.get_full_message()
- All of the required rules must pass for "ggg"
  - "ggg" must be numeric
  - Is "ggg" positive? I don't think so...


It is similar to one language example but with some differences.

Let's start with dictionary. Now it has language key as a first layer of dict and inside it has language dictionary.


The same as for one language case - there is no need to translate all messages, you can add rules which you want to use, "untranslated" rules will have default messages.

  "en": {
    "positive": {
      "default": {
        "standard": "{name} must be positive"
      "negative": {
        "standard": "{name} must not be positive"
  "de": {
    "positive": {
      "default": {
        "standard": "{name} muss positiv sein"
      "negative": {
        "standard": "{name} darf nicht positiv sein"
  "custom": {
    "positive": {
      "default": {
        "standard": "Is this {name} positive? I don't think so..."
      "negative": {
        "standard": "{name} must NOT be positive"

In example above we defined 3 languages (en, de and custom). Every language has messages for only one rule - positive.

There are two ways to select language from multi-language:

  • set default language for provided translation
  • set language for rule chain


from respect_validation import Validator as v, Factory
from respect_validation.Exceptions import NestedValidationException

# our translation dictionary with several languages
translation = {
  "en": {
    "positive": {
      "default": {
        "standard": "{name} must be positive"
      "negative": {
        "standard": "{name} must not be positive"
  "de": {
    "positive": {
      "default": {
        "standard": "{name} muss positiv sein"
      "negative": {
        "standard": "{name} darf nicht positiv sein"
  "custom": {
    "positive": {
      "default": {
        "standard": "Is this {name} positive? I don't think so..."
      "negative": {
        "standard": "{name} must NOT be positive"

# set translation dict in the Factory and set default language
# also you can separate this like so:
# Factory.set_translation(translation)
# Factory.default_language('de')
# doesn't matter :)

# we translated only positive rule, then numericVal will have default messages
except NestedValidationException as nve:

# another example, where we set language
except NestedValidationException as nve:
# the first try
# nve.get_messages()
{'numericVal': ['"ggg" must be numeric'], 'positive': ['"ggg" muss positiv sein']}
# nve.get_full_message()
- All of the required rules must pass for "ggg"
  - "ggg" must be numeric
  - "ggg" muss positiv sein

# the second try
# nve.get_messages()
{'numericVal': ['"ggg" must be numeric'], 'positive': ['Is this "ggg" positive? I don\'t think so...']}
# nve.get_full_message()
- All of the required rules must pass for "ggg"
  - "ggg" must be numeric
  - Is this "ggg" positive? I don't think so...


If you want to use multi-language but don't set default language in Factory (.default_language(...)), then default messages will appear until you will add .set_language(...) method for rule chain.