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  • Alnum(*additional_chars: str)

Validates whether the input is alphanumeric or not.

Alphanumeric is a combination of alphabetic (a-z and A-Z) and numeric (0-9) characters.

v.alnum().validate('foo 123')  # false
v.alnum(' ').validate('foo 123')  # true
v.alnum().validate('100%')  # false
v.alnum('%').validate('100%')  # true
v.alnum('%', ',').validate('10,5%') #  true

You can restrict case using the Lowercase and Uppercase rules.

v.alnum().uppercase().validate('example')  # false

IMPORTANT any input value will be converted to string type, except None. You can put any object type except NoneType object. You can restrict type by using type rule like StringType, IntType and so on.

v.alnum().validate(123456)  # True
v.stringType().alnum().validate(123456)  # false

Message template for this validator includes {additional_chars} as the string of extra chars passed as the parameter.


  • Strings


Version Description
1.0.0 Created

See also: