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  • keyValue(compared_key: str, rule_name: str, base_key: str)

Performs validation of compared_key using the rule named on rule_name with base_key as base.

Sometimes, when validating arrays, the validation of a key value depends on another key value and that may cause some ugly code since you need the input before the validation, making some checking manually:

data = {
    'password': 'qwerty',
    'password_confirmation': 'qwerty'
v.key('password', v.notEmpty()).validate(data)
v.key('password_confirmation', v.equals(data.get('password', None))).validate(data)

The problem with the above code is because you do not know if password is a valid key, so you must check it manually before performing the validation on password_confirmation.

The keyValue() rule makes this job easier by creating a rule named on rule_name passing base_key as the first argument of this rule, see an example:

v.keyValue('password_confirmation', 'equals', 'password').validate(data)

The above code will result on True if data['password_confirmation'] is equals to data['password'].

This rule will invalidate the input if compared_key or base_key don't exist, or if the rule named on rule_name could not be created (or don't exist).

When using claim() or check() methods and the rule do not pass, it overwrites all values in the validation exceptions with base_key and compared_key.

data = {
    'password': 'qwerty123123',
    'password_confirmation': 'qwerty'
    v.keyValue('password_confirmation', 'equals', 'password').check(data)
except ValidationException as exception:

The above code may generate the message:

password_confirmation must be equal to password


  • Arrays
  • Nesting


Version Description
1.0.0 Created

See also: